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CenIngan Island


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Going back to Kuta, Bali

卖猪仔(2 Hours from CenIngan Island's Jetty to Kuta)







Memorandum summit to MB Selangor!



■日期/Dec 17, 2008 ■时间/03:50:50 pm
■新闻/家国风云 ■作者/本刊黄书琪

【本刊黄书琪撰述】历经千辛万苦,受压迫人民阵线(JERIT)的“脚车闯半岛,人民要改变”南北两车队今日终于在雪兰莪州首府莎亚南会师,一同抵达雪兰莪州政府大厦,由三族青少年代表递交备忘录给州务大臣卡立依布拉欣(Khalid Ibrahim)。



南北车队今天是从莎亚南的农业公园出发,经过莎亚南广场,才抵达雪州政府大厦。协调员莎拉瓦蒂(M. Saravathy)告诉媒体,一路上仍有警方设路障,但是没有阻碍脚踏车队前进。不过原订中午12时抵达州政府大厦的脚踏车队,还是延迟了一个小时,超过一点才抵达目的地。


卡立接备忘录 民联认同诉求



在递交备忘录之后,阿鲁茨万向在场媒体透露,前日被迫留宿警局的车队成员的父母,今天中午12时在霹雳州和丰(Sungai Siput)召开记者会,抗议警方无故留置其孩童,并没有给予妥善照顾,同时将报案投诉警方这项过失。



而且,阿鲁茨万也指责雪州总警长卡立阿布巴卡(Khalid Abu Bakar)说谎,因为家长根本不希望警方所谓的“援救”行动,阿鲁茨万强调:“这项活动中,没有一个孩子受伤,也没有任何一个家长、孩子抱怨,我们确保每一个人的安全。”


结束今天的莎亚南脚踏车行后,这支车队明天将前进国会,据知执政党将派出首相署副部长姆汝基亚T. Murugiah)接受备忘录,而在野党国会领袖安华依布拉欣(Anwar Ibrahim)先前也传出将会见脚踏车队成员。

阿鲁茨万(左图)向在场记者说明,杰亚古玛已经知会首相署部长纳兹里(Nazri Aziz),安排午膳事宜,国会大厦的安全部门也已经同意脚踏车队进入国会,而且由于车队成员并不打算进入国会主建筑物,所以他们可以穿着鲜红色的T恤长驱直入。





Day 7 on the JERIT southern team

Daily update on the JERIT southern team by S. Arultchelvan



Friday, 12 December 2008

The day started with news reports that the Deputy IGP has declared that any member of public who participated in JERIT bicycle campaign would be considered a criminal offence. Besides that he also said that JERIT is not a registered body, it is exploiting children and being used by some political parties. All this accusation is familiar but we started the day with caution.

Some of our young cyclist had to go to Petronas station to have a bath. That was an interesting experience, they said. Breakfast arrived late but we started the cycling from DAP office in Seremban Jaya on time. Guna, the local State Assemblyman flagged off and the South team who then cycled towards the capital of Negeri Sembilan, Seremban to submit a memorandum to the Menteri Besar.

The team arrived within 50 minutes, a record time. Soon many DAP and PKR State Assemblyman arrived to give support. Members of Hindraf also lend their support. There was a very low key presence of police. I was relieved that the negotiation the day earlier with SB Chief Ang did materialize. He said that he will tell his boys to avoid confrontations and hoped for our assurance.

Soon we were told that Dato Firdaus Bin Harun, the MB's secretary will receive the memorandum. He was initially very reluctant to meet the campaigners. He asked for two reps to come up and pass him the memorandum. I then went up and convinced him that it would be in the best interest of the State Government for him to receive the memorandum. Failing which, all credit will go to the opposition who are very forthcoming in accepting the JERIT's demands.

He then came down. Soon the cyclist walked in. Two cyclist then rode their bicycle. Our banner unfolded and the memorandum was submitted. Kok Wei and Yogenderan passed the memorandum to the Chief Minister;s rep as well as to Anthony Loke, MP as well as the DAP State Opposition leader. We proceeded with a press conference to denounce the deputy IGP's statement and rode off from there.

The team then went to PAS Markas in Jalan Pantai for a rest and lunch. At 3pm, the team proceeded to Kirby estate via Labu Road. By now , our young cyclist team seem very confident in cycling, they seem to move faster, efficient and have became some sort of a pro. Our escort team led by Mani from PSM Seremban also marshaled the cyclist through the heavy Seremban town. It was a good day but it seems that the number of police following us after lunch had increased suddenly. We became a bit worried.

Upon arrival in Ladang Kirby, we stopped the police from entering the line side of workers. This created a big commotion as the Deputy SB Chief was very angry because our people stopped a police officer. An argument erupted and the police were talking about monitoring us and we spoke about encroachment of our freedom of movement and privacy. Later the police retreated and left and we were back in Ladang Kirby, one of our home town. We will not allow anyone to bully us in our own turf.

The cyclist still full of energy then went on to play football. That night, a meeting was held to share experience at the temple. The day ended late with more meetings but our mission to Negeri Sembilan had been accomplished as we have successfully handed the memorandum to the Chief Minister. It was "kathikai" – and oil lamps were put all round the estate. Our hearts were also lighted on this day as well went on well.

WE are now heading south and would reach Selangor tomorrow.

Sign off – Kirby estate 7am 13 December 2008

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Day 6 on the JERIT southern team

Daily update on the JERIT southern team by S. Arultchelvan


It was our first official day in Negeri Sembilan though we reached here the night before. The night before, one of our youth from Subang had an injury on his leg and had to be taken to clinic and later send back to Selangor. We also had to send back another two participant- one was having fever while the second did not have any IC document and we feared that the police might detain her and hence decided to send her back as well.

We also had a new lorry driver and a new bus driver, Besides we had a change of guard as our Johor team handed the baton to the Negeri Sembilan team mainly to PSM Seremban. We had as usual an early visit by two SB members from Tampin. They were pleasant and later the traffic chief did assist us and with our team and some help from PAS Unit Amal we reached Kota- a small town in between Tampin and Rembau.

In Kota, we already had a reasonable number of Pakatan supporters and we gained much confidence and started to leaflet quite confidently. We then passed by Chengkau and a kilometer before Rembau, we went to PAS Markas, where there were some refreshments as well as a few short speeches. Cikgu Bat(Badrul) joined us from there..

From there, we left to Rembau and went to the bus terminal. Cikgu Bad led a team of cyclist. In Rembau bus station, two policemen tried to stop us from leafleating stating that we can be arrested but the activist confronted the police who then fled the scene.

From here we went to the PKR office for lunch. Then at around 3pm, we proceeded to PEDAS which was 3km away. At the Pedas hot spring we stopped for awhile before proceeding by bus towards to Seremban Jaya. We stopped 2km from this new township and cycled. It started to drizzle and we made it to DAP office or rather the office of YB Guna, the State Assemblyman. As usual another 2 SB were waiting for us.

Later I met with the Seremban SB chief – Ang and we discussed our handing over memorandum to the Negeri Sembilan MB tomorrow. He made a deal and said that he will tell his boys not to confront and requested us do likewise. We had no problem with that.

At night , we had a ceramah at the DAP office hosted by Guna. We had many YBs present. Dr. Jeyakumar –PSM CC member was the main attraction. Our team collected signature and sold t-shirts. All the State Assemblyman supported JERIT demands. It was yet another incident free day. The day ended with all the young kids celebrating Bawani's birthday. The cyclist really do have the energy. Tomorrow we will hit Seremban centre and submit a memorandum to the MB. Then we would be moving to more rural areas.

1.45am 12 December 2008, Seremban Jaya

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Day 5 on the JERIT southern team

Daily update on the JERIT southern team by S. Arultchelvan

A Road-block free day

Today is human rights day. 10 December 2008. We left our luxury stay from Gemas Rest House to Melaka. The day was pleasantly quite. When we crossed border from Negeri Sembilan to Melaka, we were rather shocked that there were no Road Blocks to greet us. In the last few days, we have become familiar to Road Blocks and it has become a routine and when we didn't see one, we were puzzled.

Then we reached a small town called Cheng. We were greeted by youths in orange. Yes, they are supporters of Hindraf. They led us in their motorbikes while our cycles paraded proudly. Many people showed support while we rode our bicyle towards Batu Enam road. Then Jayanthas – Hindraf took us for lunch. By then a lot of policemen have gathered around out lunch point.

After lunch, the cyclist rode into historical Malacca. Once again they were the attraction besides the old forts which is still standing. The Melaka cycle tour had been a success and incident free. Then we went back to Negeri Sembilan for a launch of the event in Negeri Sembilan. By then we got many calls that the police is not going to allow any event and have taken steps to cancel all the events. The police have even blocked some roads.

So the notion that there will be no road-block on human rights day has been proved wrong. What was even worst was when the Acting OCPD Isa threatened to arrest us because he considers our press conference an illegal assemble. There were some exchanges as usual and finally the police allowed us to hold a press conference. The Press conference was held under heavy police presence. That is the start of our campaign in Negeri Sembilan. Tomorrow we will hit Rembau.

Signing off 1am 11 December 2008, Tampin

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Day 4 on the JERIT southern team

Daily update on the JERIT southern team by S. Arultchelvan

December 9, 2008
It was the most tiring day so far for me and most people will not believe that I slept as early as 12.30 after midnight. That was the reason why i could not pen down our experience yesterday December 9, 2008. Let me recall as I sit in a cybercafe near the historical forts and heritage building in historical Melaka.
Yesterday morning, I was rudely woken up by Ngo at 4am who said that someone threw a stone at out Pajero car. Yes, half a brick smashed into out front window and at our bas parked outside teh shop house we were sleeping in. We had two activist sleeping in the Pajero at that time. They saw a familiar silver Proton waja car but the number plate was covered with a white masking tape. We were baffled because the night before, the police were all around us and monitoring us 24 hours. Then suddenly this incident happens and the police was not around. I am sure you understand what was running in our head at that moment. We took a conscious decision not to lodge a police report because we were quite sure that this latest incident is yet another act to give the police excuse to call off our nation wide campaign. We will not fall into that trap.
The incident strengthened our view that we are pedaling in the right direction.
The cyclist after unable the cycle a whole day because of rain were very determined to cycle. They cycled around Labis team aided by 4 youths whom we just met the day before and cycled towards Segamat. Half way through, we took the bus and lorry and headed towards Segamat. A few kilometers before Segamat town, a massive road block led by the OCPD Majid himself greeted us. It is interesting to note that all JERIT roadblocks are either manned by the OCPD or his Deputy. Here the Traffic chief summoned our van for having a banner saying that we did not get a permit to put a banner on our vehicle. Then a heated argument resulted in our van, trooper and lorry carrying cycle being taken to the IPD Segamat while the bus is released. The traffic chief said that he has no more issue but it is the other department. All this police "stories" ...we are getting used to it.
So we took the opportunity to hold a press conference at the Police station. Spoke to the OCPD Majid and a DAP lawyer Pang came to assist us. But the police as usual were so confused as before :
The OCPD told us
1)This is not an sizable offence. We are investigating under the Printting and Presses Act as they feel our rubber stamp with our address is not sufficient. Yet the day earlier Kluang police say everything is on order. Then they said it will take around 20 minutes
2) Then they said that statement must be recorded but since we said we will talk in court , they said it will only take 10 minutes each
3) Then they said they have to search and need some exhibit
4) Then they said, 2 of our people will be released on police bail
5) Are the 2 arrested? The OCPD said no while the Crime Chief said Yes.
After this comedy and bad PR performance by the police, which took all in not half an hour but more than 3 hours.
The cycling team then left to GEMAS , the border town between Negeri Sembilan dan Johor. We reached GEMAS once again by a roadblock led by the Deputy OCPD Isa. Another big argument erupted, another stand-off .Meanwhile police had also threatened our caterer. So we were angry and hungry. When we reached at our Rest House in GEMAS. a few SB were happily taking photos. We chased them out of the areas.
But we had many visitors...local people in GEMAS who wanted to help us distribute leflet, assist us and just be with us. It was the kind of solidarity and good heart which is keeping us going. Many heard this others. many wnated to be JERIT members.
It was a whole day of fighting and arguing with the police. The police have been saying that they are there to protect us but they are there only to harass and frustrate us. That night , we went to the GEMAS police station and told them to protect our bicycles. We then parked our bicycled in the lorry inside the police station. At least if somethign happen to our bicycle, we know who to blame.
So bye bye to Johor and thank you for the memories. Tomorrow we move to Melaka.

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Day 3 on the JERIT southern team

Daily update on the JERIT southern team by S. Arultchelvan


It was a wet day and a public holiday but the towns which the cycling team passed by was full of activity and excitement created by the police. In Yong Peng, a small town, the police in many cars, some marked and many unmarked, policemen in uniform and without roamed freely, taking photos in all angles, intimidating the cycling team. It appeared that the police, all looking very tense were all out to frustrate the JERIT cycling campaign. The police force had a field day until JERIT decided to move to a new location – a familiar location to the police. We all went to to the police station where a police report was lodged against the police for intimidating and harassment. The police was stunned when we went to their own den.

The report lodged by Sdr Arul on behalf of the team expressed the frustration and the unprofessional attitude of the police. He was then met by the Commanding officer of the day, CID boss Tuan Mahazan. Mahazan expressed his apology and said that the police were acting in a heavy presence as they wanted to protect us-the cyclist as well as avoid the cycle torch incident in Bukit Mertajam. He also assured that the police will conduct in the most professional way. The JERIT team wanted the cat and mouse game to stop and wanted the police not to monitor and harass us but approach and seek a dialog.

In the morning, heavy rain prevented any cycling activity. The Kluang town was flooded in a number of places. We took the time to repair some bikes. A press conference was also called to counter the police allegation that the cycle campaign has created uneasiness among the public. This outrageous statement by the police was countered. If the police were really concerned with our safety, they would be escorting us and helping us with the traffic and safety. But during the entire campaign, the police only seems to be having roadblocks to intimidate us, snapping our photos and arresting us for no valid legal reason.

The rain , the roadblocks prevented a day from cycling. The police also managed to scare the local residents from holding any activity when we were there. Interestingly, many people continue to sponsor us food, give us accommodation and keep giving us encouragement.

Day three in Johor, the team has reached Labis. Here we did meet the OCPD and the SB chief. They assured us that they will not put breaks in our journey. We have tomorrow will a incident (police) free day.

Tomorrow we would be ending our campaign in Johor and move to the next state. Hope the sky will be clear.

Signing off – Cybercafe Labis 11pm

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Day 2 on the JERIT southern team

Daily update on the JERIT southern team by S. Arultchelvan

5 arrested but Police say JERIT leaflet fine


Kluang, 7 December 2008

Signing in : Simpang Renggam 8am

This morning while we were giving the cyclist security briefing, one
young cyclist said, we are not worried about the slope, that we can
manage but we are more worried about police not allowing us to cycle.
His comment summed up how the cyclist felt on day one where the
cyclist were practically barred from cycling and leafleting.

The mission for JERIT's southern team on day two was that leaflet on
JERIT's demands must reach the people but the police seem to employ a
new strategy. They seem to say cycling is ok but not leafleting. The
police now tries to employ a tactic where they want the cyclist to
cycle without bringing in a political message. A campaign of cycling
perse without a message reaching the masses would make the JERIT
campaign a failure.

On the part of JERIT, we also had a new strategy on how to confuse the
police force and how to ensure the leaflet reach the people.
Anyway the day in Simpang Renggam turned up without any incident.
While the police were trailing the cyclist at every corner yet the
event was not disrupted. The Pakatan youths also helped control
traffic. It was an interesting ride. The first 2km was a ride to
Simpang Renggam and the town area. The cyclist then left the town and
moved on to Bandar Rengam , a small town. Most cyclist had a light
meal and proceeded to Kluang, for a 20km ride.

The 20km ride was not easy. The terrain with a "roller-coaster" meant
the cyclist had to pant and puff their way up. Many had to stop due
the stressful ride but many completed the difficult ride with a number
of breaks. All along the team of cyclist were accompanied by our own
outriders and security team.
Then 1 Km to Kluang, the police put up a special road block. The
entire team, from cyclist, the bus, the lorry and car were stopped by
the Kluang police. The police claimed that it was routine check but
the road block was removed immediately after the cyclist by passed it.
So much for routine check!

In Kluang , the team was greeted by PKR supporters and Comrade Lee
Sang who gave a warm welcome. Slogans were shouted to celebrate the
accomplishment. In the last few hours, the team completed more than
30km journey, something which was impossible the day before. Today the
policed were much more polite or rather they could not match the
spirit portrayed by JERIT and the cyclist team. The little thing they
did to frustrate the cyclist failed to dampen the spirit.

The cyclist then went round the Kluang town and finally were invited
to a classical coffee at Tan Lee Sing . The owner treated everyone for
free tea and food. The cyclist were tired but were treated well by the
host. Then we got news of the arrest of five of our people for
leafleting. Then arrested five were Cheng Lee Whee, Choo Shinn Chei,
Jed Yoong, Ang Pei Shan and Tan See Hor. This made us very angry . The
great day was about to be spoiled by another police arrest. The
security team then went to the Police station to confront the police
for their arrest. At the station, we were met by Radin- the acting
OCPD. He admitted that it was an arrest but said the five were taken
in for documentation purpose and assured us that they will be released
within 20 Minutes. The press arrived to cover this incident. The
police then released the five within the stipulated time…a record of
efficiency by the police who used to take ages to make a release.

One interesting aspect of the release were that the police said that
they have checked all the JERIT leaflet in three languages and found
the leaflet did follow proper regulation and returned all the
confiscated leaflet to those arrested. This was a major victory and a
mission accomplished. Day two, we manage to cycle and leaflet. It was
a victory compared to day one, when we were not allowed to do both

The cyclist cycled a longer distance, leaflets were distributed in
Simpang Renggang, Renggang, Kluang and Ayer Hitam. It was a day which
has a ceramah yet to held. The police have their Light Strike Force
ready while we are ready for anything. WE WILL MOVE ON



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Day 1 on the JERIT southern team

Daily update on the JERIT southern team by S. Arultchelvan


6TH. December , Skudai

This morning, the SUARAM office near the vicinity of Skudai turned into an emergency zone, when the police mobilized their entire unit, from Light Strike Force, FRU to traffic police, erected road blocks which caused a massive traffic jam and massive public nuisance. This is to ensure around 40 young and energetic youth from cycling.
police force under the leadership of Skudai OCPD ACP Ruslan called for the arrest of those who wanted to negotiate with him and said that he is arresting them for illegal assembly. Around 12 people were arrested including PSM Secretary General S.Arutchelvan, Treasurer A.Sivarajan, Jerit Coordinator K.Simon, Semparuthi's Mohan, Salleh Alim and 13 year old son and many others. This was followed by the arrest of another four JERIT and SUARAM Johor coordinator including Ngo Jian Yee, Nyam Yee Han in which the police said that they were arrested for preventing the SUARAM office to be opened.

While 16 people were held in Skudai police station, the police put the others in "house arrest" at the SUARAM office when they were prevented from leaving the office. They also started to collect intelligent report in an intimidating way. Before that the police threatened to break down the SUARAM office doors.

After negotiation held between the OCPD and S.Arutchelvan, the police allowed everyone to leave with the condition that they will not allow any cycling in Skudai. He said that he will arrest if any person is found cycling even when he was assured that the cyclist will go on a single line. The only assurance the OCPD gave was the cyclist and their lorry will be allowed to leave his district without any problem.

What was further frustrating was when the police intimidated one of the lorries which was carrying the bicycles to Simpang Renggam when the team was heading to Kulai. Meanwhile plain-cloths policemen intimidated and harassed the cyclist by snapping photograph etc.

With less bicycles and after sheer bullying by the police, the JERIT southern team decided to cycle one by one and even decided that they will cycle even if it means arrest. The police initially did not want to allow the cyclist to cycle at all.

Then, our team was met by Samad, the OCPD for Kulai. He allowed the cyclist to cycle but warned that he will arrest if they did any traffic offence. Braving the intimidation, our team cycled on but less then 2 km, the police once again diverted all the cyclist to the police station and this time said that they were stopped because they don't have a reflector. This outrageous attitude further delayed the journey. The lorry carrying the remaining cyclist was harassed and even summoned. With this, since the day was getting dark, the organizers decided to move to their next destination Simpang Renggam. On arrival, the police was once again there harassing the cyclist and the team. The team were met by some supporters from PKR, where the team stayed in their office.

It was a day when the three district in Johor had nothing to do except monitor a cycling team. It was a day when there were as if no other issues matters in Johor. A small ceramah was held at Simpang Renggam.

For the cyclist, it was a frustrating day but yet the spirit was high. By midnight, the young cyclist were putting the reflectors and ready to pedal for the next day.

Signing off at Simpang Renggam 12 midnight

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