
Forum in commemoration of the 10th Anniversary Friends of Suaram (FOS) Johor

Forum in commemoration of the 10th Anniversary Friends of Suaram (FOS) Johor
(Panelists: Ambiga, Kua Kia Soong, Mohd. Sabu)

Media Statement dated 6 Aug 2011

Friends of Suaram (FOS) Working Committee Johor will be celebrating its 10th Anniversary. Particulars are as follows:

Date: 11 Sept 2011 (Sunday)
Time: 2:00pm – 6:30pm (Forum: 2pm to 5pm; Dinner: 5pm to 6:30pm)
Venue: Taman Universiti Sports Club (Skudai, Johor)

The theme of the forum is “NGOs are Always with The People”. It is in line with the development of the current political situation. We shall also give a brief account of the work we have done for the past 10 years, and hope to exchange views with the audience on the role of NGOs in the current situation. 3 speakers are invited to speak at the Forum, namely, Ms Ambiga, Chairperson of Bersih 2.0; Dr Kua Kia Soong, Director of Suaram; and Mohamad Sabu, Deputy President of Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS).

The personal data of the 3 panelists

1. Ms Ambiga, a prominent leader of Bersih 2.0. She has successfully led the “709 Bersih Rally” (which has eventually developed into “709 Public Demonstration”). The public rally is unprecedented in the history of Malaysia. She proved herself a shining exemplar in civil society.

2. Mohamad Sabu, Deputy President of PAS, which is one the major Malay mass-based political parties in Malaysia. Mohamad Sabu had a wealth of experience in the activities of NGOs as well as in the mass movement. We look forward to his in-depth insight, based on his strong experience in PAS and political work.

3. Kua Kia Soong is an important figure in Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) and in the NGO movement in Malaysia. He is well-known for his invaluable contributions to the human rights and democratic movement in our country. Of late, he filed a complaint on behalf of SUARAM to the French Court about the scandal involving the purchase of submarines by our Ministry of Defence, which has not only proven his undeterred courage and spirit, but has also strengthened the roles of NGOs in the struggle.

Mohd. Sabu and Dr. Kua Kia Soong accepted the invitation on 27 and 28 July 2011 respectively, while Ms. Ambiga also accepted the invitation on 2 August 2011. It is a great opportunity to have three of them as panelists to this forum, and we treasure and feel grateful for it.

In order to achieve a deeper impact to the public discourse, FOS requests the text of the speech from each panel prior to the forum, so that the speech could be included in the handout of the forum, which will be made available to all individual participants, organizations, media and our website suaramjb1.blogspot.com.

Publication of 10th Anniversary Souvenir Issue

We have decided to publish our 10th anniversary souvenir issue, a compilation of documents reflecting our human rights work and struggle over the past 10 years, and an appraisal of our role in the social movement.

Admission to the Forum cum Dinner

Coupons are available at RM35 each.

Feel free to contact h/p No. 016-7782707 or 012-7227654 or emailsuaramjb1@gmail.com.

Statement on the Launching of the Forum - “NGOs are Always with The People”
Below is the statement dated 23 July 2011 on the launching of the Forum:
1) English version
Forum in commemoration of the 10th Anniversary Friends of Suaram (FOS) Johor (Panelists: Ambiga, Kua Kia Soong, Mohd. Sabu)

2) Chinese version

3) Bahasa version
